It's a new year..! The year of 2012. The year when things change, insyaAllah! I will be getting my 'O' level results on 9 January 2012. I'm as nervous as can be. I hope I do well enough to have a wide variety of choices. Because, right now, I am extremely unsure of where to go. (Ok, NOW it's really new year, and there's a load of noise and screaming of "Happy New Year" greetings.. Awesome neighbourhood). Back to O levels,
I don't know where to go after this Should I follow my interests in IT, programming and games, and join a Poly, or do I risk an A level to get a much better chance of going to University. After all, the ultimate goal is to get a degree because, without a degree, you can't survive in Singapore. So, what do I do now? If I join a Poly, I have to spendthree years instead of two, which is no big deal to me. I mean, I spent an extra year in Secondary school like it's nothing, so why not spend another year in tertiary?