Friday, January 16, 2009



Life's been quite great this couple of days. I am slowly recovering from the trauma of being hit by a car. Whenever I cross a road, the sound of the engines of the car just freaks me out, but I try to keep that hidden within my physical self. It reminds me of the moment before the accident. As for injuries, my leg is a little bruised and its healing real quick.

During English, my teacher assigned us to make a blog which will account for 50% of my CA1 marks, which makes this VERY important. I made a simple blog which is nothing like the blogs my friends made (using fancy skins and images). Mine is very simple but the important thing is that its completely my work. I added music, chatbox and a couple of other features. Check it out here:

Today, Saturday 17 January 2009, I went to Irsyad, the new building for photography. Although I am no longer an Irsyadian, I still keep in touch with my old friends and also meet them regularly. I took lots of pictures and we had a little competition. Abdullah won the compettion.

I just finished adding my other post for my English Assignment Blog.


P.S. I just love Sweeney Todd's songs..

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