Truly, the hype and excitement of this year's General Election has gotten to me. I have been trying to keep track of the different parties who are competing for the various constituency. This year is the year with the greatest number of opposing parties since the independence of Singapore. All constituencies are challenged except Tanjong Pagar. A particular party has been doing quite well in their rallies. The Workers Party. Fresh faces to change the political landscape of Singapore? Could this be the year PAP finally steps down? I don't know, and in my humble opinion, I don't think so. Maybe the opposition can win about a quarter or a third? I mean all my life in Singapore, PAP has been the one controlling my home. It's been going fine, and perhaps many people feel that way, they don't want things to change? Perhaps they do not see what mistakes the current government has done. Maybe there aren't any, if you hide them well.
So I heard the Workers' Party had a great turnout on their rally, about 3000 people, or more? The digits escape me. I would love to see a new government with equal opposition on both sides? This would make the news pretty interesting I must say. However, the people do not want their peace to be interupted either, it's a tough balance between...ermm, fun and peace? I notice I've been writing plenty of question marks. Perhaps my current lackadaisical attitude is making me lazy to think? There it goes again, another question mark. Let's move to a more serious thing. My prelims.
It is bugging me quite abit, hence the lateness of this entry. I can safely say that I have revised my Maths and Sciences about 90%. I'm left with Geography and PAP's propaganda of a subject, Social Studies. I haven't really went into "overdrive", nor have I been slacking. I did plenty of ten year series and compilations. I've made notes. I hope I am prepared. I mean, I'm almost, ALMOST, at my limit. I'm, as usual, blogging in extra, as they say, "Chim", English to practice for my English Compositions and Social Studies essays as well as my Study Of Visual Art paper. That's a lot actually now that I look again. Have I bitten off more than I can swallow. Hopefully not. I can do this, InsyaAllah.
"But there's no sense crying over every mistake."That song is nice. Somewhat nostalgic in an odd way. Oh yes, the less important thing. Today 29 April 2011, there's a Royal Wedding between Prince William and Catherine Middleton in the UK, one of the few places on Earth with a monarchy. Politics. I don't really like the word, and I regret delving into that theme here, but it must be done I guess. I'll end it off right here. Expect more soon, since I need to practice.
-Portal, Still Alive
Salam, Peace. For you my dear reader.
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