Friday, July 23, 2010


Today I realise a sad realisation. I am a disappointment. To who?


I'm disappointed in what I've been unable to acheive, things that I should be able to. I love art. I love Infocomm Technology. I love debating. I love writing. However, lately, I realised that I haven't met the standards that I used to meet in these areas. Passion, has been killed by society. Everyone looks at me as a random kid in VS. To them I have no talents, no skills, no worth. I'm talking about Co-Curricular Activities.

Are we truly living in a world of meritocracy? Where leaders are chosen because of their skills and ability? Instead of their charisma and social status. In VS, it seems, there are many cases where they choose leaders who are popular and favoured by their seniors, peers and more importantly teachers. I write with deep thought, when I say that there are boundaries placed in place by society that cannot be broken. Ever.

I cannot handle the injustice the world is placing on me. I am seriously disappointed in myself. I do not blame my art teachers for being unable to see the artistic value in my works. I do not blame them for wanting more quality from me. Nor do I hate them for making me work for many late nights on a project, promising a leadership position, but then scrapping the entire project and giving the project AND the leadership position to another student without me knowing. All. Of. A. Sudden.

Years of experience and training. All down the drain of society's injustice. The social behaviour of mankind. There is no such thing as meritocracy amongst teenagers in ANY society. Favouritism runs DEEP in our blood. We vote for a leader because they appeal to us, not because of their ability.

What's the point? of having talent, yet it's unusable. Talent that cannot be used to contribute, if not to others, at the very least myself. I have the drive to learn more. I have been doing it for so many years. I've been driven by the possibility of making myself a better, more useful, person. I have never done anything for recognition or "brownie points". It was all for the betterment of myself. Any sort of recognition or reward is a bonus.

It gave me some sort of consolation, when I heard that the VS Malay Debate Team did not make through the first round. I was not chosen to be part of the team during the auditions. This kinda hurt me a little. Perhaps, thinking that way was selfish, despite offering its consolation to me.

I could go on and on talking about things I am disappointed in. Or I could, pick myself up and focus and what I kept me going for so long.

"Gonna' get me the knowledge, gonna study Islam
Am I going just to build my ego? so they call me “the Man”?
Does it matter if the people respect me, when its not for Allah?"
-'Intentions' By Native Deen..

My studies matters the most right now, and I am going to start afresh. Disappointed or not, it is all in the past and I can change NOTHING.

CA2 is coming nearer. And nearer.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Quick Note


Today, a great burden has been lifted. I thank God.

Term 3 has started. 2 weeks ago. I have regained the same motivation I had in term 1, to study like there's no tomorrow. I bury myself in books to get away from the pains and annoyance of life. We (Luqman, Abdullah, Haziq, Istighfar) played basketball last monday (5/7/10). It was really fun. Monday was Youth Day, so there was no school and we met up at around 11am. We played up till 1PM. Haziq and Istighfar decided to run off to Goodspeed and play Age of Empires (this is especially dumb when STE is just around the corner), while the rest of us decided to go up and rest.

Abdullah and Luqman had brought books as we had planned to study after playing basketball. It was great to see my friends putting effort to revise. But boys will be boys. We spent about 60-70% of the time slacking off while the rest is actual studying. If you ask me, that's quite a good percentage. I managed to complete my A Maths homework. We ordered Pizza (thanks to my mom) for our late lunch at about 4PM.

When Abdullah and Luqman were leaving, Luqman realised he couldn't find his shoes. They were placed outside the house and just disappeared. Probably stolen. A $149 Nike does not go unnoticed in public. Unfortunately for him. He borrowed my crocs sandal/slippers and waveboard-ed home.

That's all for today.

"I don't wanna say this but...I TOLD YOU SO..I TOLD YOU SO!! HAHAHA"