Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is a disappointment. Well, the fact that I haven't blogged in years. I should have, I mean, it's the only way for me to express myself and practice my English at the same time.

This year--yes this year, 2011-- is the year I'm taking THE exams of my life; The General Certificate of Education, "Ordinary" Levels. There is absolutely nothing "ordinary" about this exams. It determines your future. That's how cruel our society is.

As of now, I'm perfectly on schedule. My study schedule that is. As of now, I am taking 9 subjects, which is alot compared to the average student in Singapore who takes about 7 or 8. And I don't think I can cope. That is a terrible mentality, but I have to weigh the odds of me getting straight 9 A1s compared to getting 8 A1s. 8 A1s is more likely, and 9 B3s are just as likely. Maybe I should distribute my effort across lesser subjects to increase the chances of me getting A1.

My current subject combination as you all should know:
Higher Malay
Elementary Maths
Additional Maths
Combined Humanities
Higher Art
Arabic Language

The most likely subject to be dropped is: Arabic Language. Why? Because it serves almost no purpose. It is not a compulsory subject. I am confident of my A1s. I am praying feverishly every night.

Anyway, I've been studying alot recently. I know I can make it if I continue doing this, but the problem is that I tend not to. It pains me to realise that I had this same enthusiastic mood at the start of last year. Yet, I could not be consistent all year round. I know I can work really hard for hours and hours, I've done that last year. I pulled my 22 to an 18 with 1 month of work. That may not seem like alot, but it took a lot of effort and proved myself that I have the capability to do it.

But do I have the discipline?

I guess we'll have to stay tuned find out this year. Join me on my adventures of struggling through O levels. Yes, it doesn't sound as appealing, but yeah, I'll do it. Insya Allah.

Salam...Peace.. (:P)<-<

p.s. Any irsyadian who is reading this. Answer the call, of your future. Do your self a service by abandoning your distractions and study hard for just this one year.

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