Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Goodness Me

Yes, goodness me. I just don't know how to react to what happened today. Good news first. I received results of my Chemistry CA1 which I did YESTERDAY. Yes, my teacher marked our work in ONE night. That's some skills. I found out I was number 2 in class with a score of 27/35.. A1. But could have been better.

Bad news: I failed English summary. But in summary you can still dig up some marks that the teacher missed and I'm hoping to do that next week.

AEP. I ditched my idea. It wasn't feasible and now I'm back to square one. I'm seriously confused and just, sad. I'm idealess. I need ideas. Help me. Submission due in September. Not a lot of time left.

That is all world.
Salam.. Peace..

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