Thursday, September 22, 2011

Simplicio and religion

I overheard Simplicio's conversation with his friend a library one day. Studying for a test, Simplicio decides to bother his friend with a simple complaint, or statement if you will.

"No offence to the Muslims and Christians, but I think that religion does not show that you are more disciplined." Simplicio said. His companion just nodded indifferently, focused on his reading. "If you need a god to tell you how to go through day to day life, how does that show that you're disciplined? It just shows that you are unable to be independent." Simplicio added.

"That's why I'm a free-thinker. I can do anything I want without needing a "god" to tell me what to do." He finally declared. His friend just couldn't be bothered, buried in books.

My argument to Simplicio:

How does being able to do anything you want shows discipline? How do you know what are the right things, the right ways, to do in life? How do you know if

We are but mere humans. We need guidance at all point in life. If anything, following God's commands are the truest mark of discipline. Being able to abide by difficult and challenging principles makes you more disciplined and matured, especially if these "commands" makes us better humans.

Muslims can fast for a month, pray five times a day, refrain from pork and alcohol, and other haram foods. Christians go to church every week (mostly without fail), and they pray before going to sleep. Hindus (and Buddhists) don't eat beef. All these challenges makes people with religions more disciplined as they have to abide by the rules of their religion.

Meanwhile, you eat anything you want, do anything you like and live by your own 'rules'. You have no restrain and run wild. Way to be disciplined, Simplicio.

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