Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm so happy


Today, there was this Chinese Lunar New Year celebration at Victoria. I missed the first part, which I heard was this Chinese concert, because I was taking AEP test. When I headed to the hall to join the celebration, I saw a bunch of students on the acting a play on the stage. Unfortunately for me I didn't understand a single word. They spoke Chinese. After that there was this awesome dancing by a bunch of upper secondary boys. Two of them did some cool break-dancing moves.

Later I managed to catch up with Bus 13 and ended up just in time for Friday Prayers at Masjid Muhajirin. After prayers, I met lotsa my old buddies at Irsyad. I saw Haziq, Abdullah, Luqman Nur, Luqman Hakim, Muzammil, Akid, Fadil, Fierdaos, this sec 1 kid, Abdul Rahman Aziz, Abdur Rahman Yassin, Ali Imran, Shazaa and many more...

I also met Ustaz Idham, who asked me where I was studying and what level, in Arabic. Long time since I used the Arabic Language. I answered. I also met Mr. Roslan, who should've been my form teacher if I hadn't left. He made me feel guilty I left Irsyad. Not that there was anything wrong with leaving Irsyad, he said I left without giving salam or in other words I left without a goodbye. I remembered he taught me on the first day of Irsyad, to make salam be your last word you say to someone.

My school made me join the Royal CommonWealth Society essay writing competition. I managed to write a draft. Certain events in the story are based on real situations and events that I either experienced myself or heard others experienced. DOWNLOAD... Finally I am able to take 3rd Language. Arabic.

Tomorrow, during the whole long weekend (5 days), everyone's going to Batam. And I have know idea why. I will be going with Uncle Razak's family, and this other family. I'm so happy. Alhamdulillah.


P.S. Obama has finally been sworn in as president..WOOHOO!

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