Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rain/Election Fever

It's been a long week. This is my first post for April. Yesterday, I went for a flag day. It was organized by KDF and all the sec 4s of my school were forced to go. It wasn't that bad. Except for the 4 hours of standing. I learnt that it was a pain to collect donations. This is not my first time doing flag day, maybe the third. As you can see from my title, it's raining. It has been raining extremely heavily, with lightning and thunder in the afternoon since Friday. Pretty scary to be out in the open in this kind of weather.

If you were to enter my house, you'll notice something. No furniture! Just a carpet and a 46 inch Samasung LED tv. Some major renovation is about to happen some time soon. I dunno. My mom wants to make some sort of 'alcove' what ever that is, but it sounds cozy. I don't mind the change. Also my room has considerably much more space after we removed a shelf and rearranged my bed and wardrobe. It's neat.

Also, if you've been under a rock, like me, Singapore is having another General Election in May, where people can vote for new leaders in their Group Representation Constituencies (GRCs) if the opposition (I.e. Workers' Party) wants to..erm..'challenge' for that GRC? I'm not into politics, nor am I able to vote because I'm not 21, yet. But if I were to vote for someone, it would be the party that promises to remove foreigners and place stricter policies for immigrants to get citizenship. I mean 5 million Singaporeans, with 2.1 million foreigners (40%), are literally taking up so much space. We have a population density of about 7000 people per square kilometre. Madness, especially in such a country with land constraints, PAP better do something, because I hear some other parties have some good things to say about this issue. What do I know, who am I to say such things? Just disregard me.


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